
<本文轉自: 王寶鑑老師部落格> -20130628

一、按聯合報轉載世界日報2013年6月28日報導:【繼通過廢止兄弟姐妹親屬移民法案後,國會眾院司法委員會26日晚間通過一項全國硬性實施「員工身分電子查核系統」(E-Verify)法案規定法案通過後兩年內全國硬性實施E-Verify,讓雇主上網查證雇員合法身分。法案並對聯邦雇員溯及既往。這項由前司法委員會主席史密斯(Lamar Smith,共和黨,德州)提出的法案,將取消現行的新聘員工所用的I-9表格。目前聯邦政府新聘人員已全面實施「員工身分電子查核系統」。法案還授權雇主自願以「員工身分電子查核系統」驗證現有員工身分。司法委員會議員趙美心(Judy Chu,民主黨,加州)及移民小組委員會首席民主黨議員羅芙根(Zoe Lofgren,民主黨,加州)等,26日審議法案期間,指這些要求肯定將歧視少數族裔,和外貌像外國人的雇員。但是他們所提出的修正案都未能通過。由於眾院共和黨領導人不願審議全面移民改革案,而只處理單項議題的移民法案,但單項移民案都不包含處理1100萬無證人士的條款。眾院司法委員會上周已通過另一個單項議題移民案「加強執法法案」(Strengthen and Fortify Enforcement Act,簡稱SAFE Act),將非法入境、逾期在美居留都定為犯罪行為,並允許各州自行通過移民法,由地方警方執行聯邦移民法規。司法委員會定27日審議高科技移民案。眾院的移民案策略,是分別審議小規模的單項移民法案。司法委員會主席古雷特(Bob Goodlatte,維吉尼亞州)再次表示,眾院移民改革法案,要分案處理,「一步一步來」。聯邦最高法院26日關於同性婚姻的判決,也適用於移民法。同性配偶公民將可享受平等移民待遇,將同性配偶接來美國。參院院會27日將通過的「八人幫」移民案,雖然可望以68、69票的壓倒性高票通過,但是由於所有參院共和黨領導層都將投反對票,也等於給眾院共和黨領導層撐腰,可以放心自行處理,而不必回應參院的壓力。


二、「加強執法法案」(Strengthen and Fortify Enforcement Act,SAFE Act)簡介:[1]



House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) joined Immigration and Border Security Subcommittee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) in introducing a bill to improve the interior enforcement of our immigration laws and strengthen national security on June 6, 2013. Specifically, the Strengthen and Fortify Enforcement Act (H.R. 2278) also known as the SAFE Act, grants states and localities the authority to enforce federal immigration laws, makes it more difficult for foreign nationals who pose a national security risk to enter and remain in the U.S., improves visa security, protects American communities from dangerous criminal aliens, strengthens border security, and equips our immigration enforcement officers to better do their jobs.

The SAFE Act is one of several bills the House Judiciary Committee has introduced to help address various issues within our immigration system. Below are statements from Chairman Goodlatte, an original cosponsor, and Subcommittee Chairman Gowdy, the sponsor of the SAFE Act, on the bill’s introduction.



1Grants States and Localities the Authority to Enforce Immigration Laws: The bill grants states and localities specific congressional authorization to assist in the enforcement of federal immigration law and includes provisions to facilitate their assistance. It also allows states and localities to enact and enforce their own immigration laws as long as they are consistent with federal law. In addition, the bill withholds specific grants from sanctuary cities that defy federal immigration enforcement efforts.

2Strengthens National Security: The bill makes it more difficult for foreign terrorists and other foreign nationals who pose national security concerns to enter and remain in the United States. Of note, the bill bars foreign terrorists or removable immigrants who threaten national security from receiving immigration benefits, such as naturalization and discretionary relief from removal, among other things. The bill also requires that no immigration benefits can be provided to immigrants until all required background and security checks are completed.

3Protects American Communities from Dangerous Criminal Aliens: The bill protects the American public by facilitating and expediting the removal of criminal aliens. In the instance a dangerous criminal immigrant cannot be removed from the U.S., the bill allows the Department of Homeland Security to detain them.

4Improves Visa Security: The bill improves our nation’s first line of defense, the visa issuance process. The bill expands the Visa Security Program to additional high risk posts, strengthens the integrity of the student visa program, and authorizes the Department of Homeland Security and State Department to revoke visas to foreign nationals if in the security or foreign policy interests of the U.S., among other provisions.

5Helps ICE Officers Better Do Their Jobs: The bill assists U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers in carrying out their jobs of enforcing federal immigration laws by allowing them to make arrests for immigration violations, federal felonies, federal criminal offenses for bringing in and harboring unlawful immigrants, and offenses against the U.S. The bill also allows them to carry firearms and provides them body armor.

6Strengthens Border Security: The bill prohibits the Departments of Interior and Agriculture from preventing Border Patrol agents access to federal lands within 100 miles of the border. This will better enable Border Patrol agents to secure our border and prevent illegal activity, such as illegal immigration, smuggling, and drug trafficking. It also prohibits the interference of Border Patrol activities, such as construction and maintenance of roads and barriers, use of patrol vehicles, and deployment of tactical infrastructure.

7Reviews Administration’s Abuse of Prosecutorial Discretion: The bill requires a report to Congress each year on the abuse of prosecutorial discretion by the Administration.

[1] Source:[accessed 28 June 2013]







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