

一、如果說可能會影響今年移民特考的移民署大案子,無疑地是商林克穎落跑事件」。依聯合報2013年2月4日報導:【英商林克穎落跑事件引發國內外關注,相關人員認為,我國移民官固然有疏失要檢討,英國移民官以防範恐怖分子入境的「航前通報系統」恐怕也有疏漏,有必要通報英國方面重視這個漏洞。熟習航空公司運作人員指出,英國為了防範恐怖分子滲透及人蛇偷渡,規定所有飛英國的航空公司,特別過濾搭機旅客身份,如果疏漏每個人罰兩千英鎊。英國同時規定航空公司及我方移民署,旅客報到時就要把名單等資訊,透過「航前資訊通報系統」送給英國移民單位,在飛機還沒到英國前,就先審查旅客身分背景過濾。飛機到了倫敦機場,林克穎入境有兩種可能,一種是繼續冒用大衛的照, 如此輕易通過英國移民官查驗,那表示連英國移民官也看走眼了。另一種可能是林克穎持自己的護照入境,過關沒問題,但他搭乘的班機憑空消失一名旅客沒有入 境,英國移民官員卻沒有追查,萬一恐怖分子用相同手法冒用護照闖關,後果堪慮,先前做的「航前資訊通報系統」也都白做了。


二、英國航前資訊通報系統(Advance information on passengers[1])說明,美國的用語為Advance Passenger Information SystemAPIS


    Every year, more than 200 million passengers cross the UK border. To help secure the border, we use an electronic system called e-Borders to carry out checks on travellers before they begin their journey. This allows our officers to identify those who should not be in the UK or who intend harm.

    All you need to do is provide your carrier with information from your passport or travel document before you travel, and the carrier then provides e-Borders with passenger and crew details for the journey.

    You can request access to personal information held by e-Borders, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1988. To request a copy of your records, you should make a 'subject access request' in writing. The Requests for personal data page of this website contains more information.

    If you are in the transport industry, you can find detailed information about your responsibilities under e-Borders in the e-Borders requirements for carriers and ports section of this website. That section also contains information for the owners and operators of fishing boats, leisure craft (such as yachts) and light aircraft, although they do not yet need to provide information to e-Borders.




Advance Passenger Information refers to specific passport details and you will be required to supply some or all of the following information:

  • passport number
  • country which issued your passport
  • passport expiry date
  • given names (as they appear on the passport)
  • last name
  • gender
  • date of birth
  • nationality




[2] Source: British Airwayshttp://www.britishairways.com/travel/imminfo/public/en_gb#),accessed on February 4, 2013.

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