<本文轉自: 王寶鑑老師部落格> -20130512
一、在確定蘇格蘭獨立公投(Scottish independence)的日期為2014年9月18日後,工黨也開始推動反獨立的運動。工黨在政治立場上雖然是反對蘇格蘭獨立,但要求中央政府擴大下放蘇格蘭的"devoted power"。
二、2012年5月12日BBC報導指出:【Labour is launching its own campaign to keep Scotland in the UK, distancing itself from Better Together colleagues. The party said a mixture of senior Labour figures and new faces would be invited to put the case for Scotland "standing strong" within the United Kingdom. Scottish Labour has already drafted a recommendation for the devolution of income tax to bolster the Scottish Parliament within the UK.】