

一、英國於2012年11月15日進行首次的警察及犯罪委員會(police and crime commissionersPCC)委員之選舉投票,因為英國如同多數國家重視選民投票權,投票時間是從早上7點到晚上10點,選民有長達15小時的投票時間;至於開票則採取「集中計票」制度,目前(英國16日凌晨1點)正在進行開票。


二、此次選舉除倫敦之外的英格蘭和威爾士(England and Wales)的41個警政區舉行,新當選的委員有權制定議事日程、任命和撤銷警長;委員的年收入根據工作區域的不同介入65,000鎊到100,000鎊不等。(BBC)


三、投票方式採取「增補性投票制(SV)」(supplementary vote system)

(一)基本概念:The Supplementary Vote (SV) is a shortened version of the Alternative Vote (AV).

(二)圈投方式:Registered voters will be given a ballot paper with two columns. In the left column, voters choose their first preference for PCC; in the right, voters choose their second preference.Voters can choose to mark just one preference, using the left column only. (BBC)

(三)計票方式:If a candidate has won more than 50% of first preferences they are elected. If no candidate has won more than 50%, all but the top two candidates are then eliminated. Any second preferences for the top two candidates from the eliminated candidates are added to the two remaining candidates' totals. Whoever has the most votes combined is declared the winner. (BBC)


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