一、依自由時報2012年11月28日報導:【經過兩年談判,台北駐美代表處與美國在台協會(AIT)廿六日在華府簽署中華民國海關「優質企業(AEO)」及美國「海關及貿易夥伴合作反恐規範(C-TPAT)」相互承認協議(MRA)。台美兩國海關將承認對方所進行的貿易供應鏈安全認證,並給予雙方參與相關計畫的業者快速通關、接近「零檢驗」的便捷待遇。 財政部估計,協議最快明年農曆春節後生效。官員透露,目前雙方相互認證的AEO,包括廣達、日月光、長榮集團、陽明海運等知名企業。由於通關更便捷,雙方 官員預期未來美台雙邊貿易量將增加,這也代表台灣的認證標準與世界接軌,受到美國認可。這項協議由駐美代理代表張大同及AIT執行理事施藍旗,分別代表台 灣財政部關稅總局及美國海關暨邊境保護署(CBP)簽署。財政部關稅總局由黃定方次長率團於美國在台協會參與見證,美國海關暨邊境保護署兩位代理助理署長麥克阿里南與史塔爾渥斯都在場見證。張大同表示,談判期間,美台海關都曾派人到對方國家考察,雙方正式談判進行了兩年。台北駐美代表處表示,已經參與台灣AEO計畫的業者,可直接享有美國C-TPAT的便捷通關等優惠措施。未來台灣業者申請加入AEO,也可免除被兩國海關重複認證查核,直接享有雙邊優惠待遇。台灣參加AEO計畫的業者,還可享受到便利的後續貨物管理,構建Just-in-Time與零庫存的利基,達成端對端(end-to-end)整體供應鏈安全,提升企業競爭力。台灣自二○○九年實施優質企業制度以來,至本月廿三日已達五○七家,包括三四六家一般優質企業及一六一家安全認證優質企業。台灣為美國第十大貿易夥伴,二○一一年台美雙邊貿易總值達六二一億美元,而台灣安全認證優質企業對美進出口總值約佔貿易總額的廿五%,達一五七億美元。】
CBP is one of the Department of Homeland Security’s largest and most complex components, with a priority mission of keeping terrorists and their weapons out of the U.S. It also has a responsibility for securing the border and facilitating lawful international trade and travel while enforcing hundreds of U.S. laws and regulations, including immigration and drug laws. (cited from CBP web site)
(一)C‐TPAT是Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism的簡稱。
1. C‐TPAT seeks to safeguard the world's vibrant trade industry from terrorists, maintaining the economic health of the U.S. and its neighbors. The partnership develops and adopts measures that add security but do not have a chilling effect on trade, a difficult balancing act.
2. The main aspects: (1) A growing partnership;(2) Extending the zone of U.S. border security.
3. How it works:When they join the anti‐terror partnership, companies sign an agreement to work with CBP to protect the supply chain, identify security gaps, and implement specific security measures and best practices. Additionally, partners provide CBP with a security profile outlining the specific security measures the company has in place. Applicants must address a broad range of security topics and present security profiles that list action plans to align security throughout their supply chain. C‐TPAT members are considered low‐risk and are therefore less likely to be examined. This designation is based on a company's past compliance history, security profile, and the validation of a sample international supply chain.