<本文轉自: 王寶鑑老師部落格> -20120602
依中國時報2013年6月2日報導:【英國執政保守黨黨鞭、資深議員、前影子內閣國內安全部長莫希(Patric Mercer),涉嫌收受賄款在國會中進行遊說,遭到臥底的記者全程錄影,引發輿論嘩然。事發後,莫希黯然宣佈辭去保守黨黨鞭,並表示不再參加英國下次大選。這項由英國廣播公司(BBC)和《每日電訊報》聯手進行的臥底調查,以「釣魚」的手法騙倒了身為保守黨重量級大老的莫希。BBC調查性節目《全景》記者假冒公關公司職員與莫希接觸,表示希望他協助位於南平洋的斐濟共和國商業利益和重返大英國協。莫希告訴喬裝的記者說,「我對此類事宜,收費不多。通常半天五百英鎊(約二萬二千五百台幣),所以,一天一千英鎊。」 《全景》節目指出,莫希總共已收受了為期二個月、每月工作二天、共四千英鎊的費用。莫希在下院中則提出了五次與斐濟相關的質詢和一項動議草案。根據英國國會法規,議員可以在國會外擔任支薪顧問工作,但不得在國會內擔任「支薪倡議者」的角色,嚴禁拿錢在國會為特定團體發言辦事。莫希發表聲明,表示他已自請國會紀律委員會進行調查,並正就自己是否違反國會法規尋求法律專家意見。但為了不讓保守黨陷於尷尬,他決定辭去保守黨黨鞭,且不再參加下次國會大選。】
允許的行為 |
Be paid to act as a director, consultant, or adviser, or in any other capacity, whether or not such interests are related to membership of the Commons. |
Be sponsored by a trade union or any other organization. |
Receive hospitality in the course of their parliamentary duties. |
任職期間的行為規範 |
Disclose their financial interests in a Register of Members' Financial Interests |
Draw attention to any relevant interest when speaking in the Commons or corresponding with ministers, departments or executive agencies |
Live up to the general principles of public life outlined in the code |
Take decisions based on the public interest, not for their own financial benefit or for that of their family or friends. |
Not place themselves under any financial obligation to outside individuals or organisations. |
Make appointments or award contracts on merit not on any other basis. |
Be accountable for their decisions to the public and submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate |
Be as open as possible about all decisions and actions they take |
Declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest. |
Not act as a paid advocate in any parliamentary proceedings. They should not take payment to speak in Parliament, to vote a certain way, to introduce legislation, to amend legislation or to urge others to do so. |
Not lobby for "reward or consideration" on behalf of any organisation with which they have a declared financial interest. |
Be open with other MPs and officials about their dealings with any organisation with which they have a financial relationship, including activities which may not be a matter of public record such as informal meetings and functions. |
Not use information which they receive in confidence in the course of their parliamentary duties for financial gain. |
離職後的行為準則(旋轉門條款) |
For two years after leaving office, they must get the approval of the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments for any appointment or employment they wish to take up. |
They are expected to accept the committee's advice. |
Former Cabinet ministers must normally wait three months after leaving office before they can accept any kind of paid employment. |
Former ministers should not lobby existing ministers on behalf of any organisation for which they are employed for two years after leaving office. |
根據英國保守黨與自由民主黨於2010年所簽署的聯合政府協議(The coalition agreement):「We will regulate lobbying through introducing a statutory register of lobbyists and ensuring greater transparency.」